Learn to shine, girl!
This 8 module course will help pre-teen girls understand who they are, what they stand for, what makes them beautiful, and how to shine their light in the world. Through a combination of lecture, multimedia presentation, and interactive workshops participants will receive critical information, tools, and training with which these young ladies will be able to embrace and protect their authentic selves. They will also learn how to support one another through word and deed in order to combat the “Mean Girl” phenomenon. There will be intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, and technological components addressed in each module. This transformative program guarantees all receptive and active participants will emerge more self-aware, empathic, and compassionate in the ways they navigate their world. Most of all, they will be able to claim their individual and unique gifts, talents, and physical beauty in order to launch their greatness as they grow up, girl!
What is the cost of low self esteem?
“The Cost of Low Self-Esteem”, according to the Dove Self-Esteem Project:
- Low self-esteem often means we fail to recognize what we do achieve and feel good about it
- Low self-esteem can make us feel excluded and disconnected with society
- It can make us want to surrender our individuality and conform to stereotypes
- It can make us feel like we can’t handle life’s challenges, that we’re not good enough or feel like a miserable failure
- It can lead to depression, destructive behavior, self-harming, eating disorders, or alcohol and drug abuse.
Because they’re worth it.
The 8 modules for Growing Up Girl cover a range of topics that impact pre-teen and teen girls today. They are listed below, and delivered over the course of six months at your organization or school.
Module Two: You Are What You Eat.
Module Three: Emotional Awareness
Module Four: Body Business
Module Six: Sister Friends
Module Seven: It’s Inside!
Module Eight: …I Gotta Wear Shades.
Key Benefits
- Healthier, less impulsive, less lonely
- More focused
- More tolerant of stress and frustration
- Better able to solve interpersonal problems
- Engage in less destructive behavior
- Get into fewer fights
- Have greater academic achievement
- Have a greater sense of control over their lives
- Helps Meet Writing/Reading Common Core Standards
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Improved Standardized Test Scores
- Improved Attendance
- Decreased Discipline Issues
- Improved Staff Morale
- Healthy, Confident Community Members
- Healthy Social Behavior
- Philanthropic and Charitable Awareness
- Improved Parenting Experience
- Improved Kindness and Respect toward Others
Contact Katie Today for a custom tailored quote for this incredible program, based on the needs of your school or organization.